Nice to meet you! Here’s a bit of what makes me, me:
Quick facts about my career:
- My last positions have been at B2B product startups in different growth stages: Insticator 🇺🇸-🇨🇦, Jobber 🇨🇦 and Ventup 🇲🇽.
- 14+ years of experience executing and/or supervising Visual and Interactive Design, Product and Marketing projects.
- 11+ years of experience leading and growing Design teams.
- 2+ years of experience leading and growing Product Management teams.
- Co-founded a boutique design studio with 3 other partners and co-directed it for 7+ years in my hometown Monterrey, NL, MX 🥩 ⛰️ 🍺.
- I graduated from the Graphic Design and New Media bachelor degree at CEDIM© (Monterrey, NL, MX) in 2010.
On a personal level:
- I was born and raised in Monterrey, Nuevo León, México 🥩 ⛰️ 🍺.
- Canada 🇨🇦 was my home for the last five years, yet I just recently came back to México 🇲🇽 so I can be close to family as we welcome our first son, Franco 👶.
- We set up shop in the beautiful Guadalajara, JAL, MX — for now.
- I’m married to a super-talented fashion designer who also happens to be a great interior designer.
Stuff I dig besides work:
- I can talk forever about the history of Art and Design (especially the art movements of the beginning of 20th Century), human psychology and graphic novels.
- Some of the bands I love the most 🎤 : White Stripes, Radiohead, Depeche Mode, Led Zepellin, Nirvana, Gorillaz (and Spanish-speaking bands: Café Tacuba, Héroes del Silencio, Soda Estéreo and Enanitos Verdes).
- I’m learning to play the electric guitar 🎸 — though I’m miles away from becoming an expert, it has already helped me improve my memory substantially. Plus I’ve found that I appreciate much more all the subtleties in the rythm and tone that my favourite bands apply to their songs.
- Videogames 🕹️ are also among my favourite hobbies, in particular handhelds and retro gaming. My preferred genre is tactical RPG games, and among my favourites are: Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Advance Wars, Triangle Strategy and War Groove.
Check out some stuff I wrote in the last few years